Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Flippin hilarious-to qoute Travis-I have to fill out a criminalk background check now, for admissions....hahaha, Gangsta' Beth!

Another few days........maybe I will know by early next week. Until then, I am busy studying for my Genetics exam-I got an A on my big paper-which was good, but depressing as all get out to write.

Chad has tickets to the Canes game, if they play Sunday-which should be fun-he also has four or so gigs upcoming-I know he is excited to be busy!

Had a GREAT time with the cousins this weekend at Topsail-will post pics real soon! I still have my Jim Carrey-esque coffeemaker waiting for my beach house one day:)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Beach bound

Not much to say......my application is "under review" right now...so I am very antsy about that. Headed to Topsail tomorrow, for a long weekend with all of Chad's cousins-should be a great time!

Just spent my first Easter not working in Wilson, going to church and watching as the cousins cheered on Graham's hula hooping style and putting on a grand Easter egg hunt, which even included a story:)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NCAA Championship

So, in honor of the Heels' vistory, I thought I would post a picture that I thought was cool...Hanborough smiling.....I think it's cool because for once (and I don't mean this ugly or funny, but) his eyes aren't "wide open".

Congrats to the Heels. But I have one question for the fans.......why is it you guys refer to them as your heels? Or, I guess I should re-phrase that..........why do you say "My heels" when you are referencing the UNC team?

Again, don't mean that ugly either-it's a serious question. I ask because I have never heard anyone utter the phrases "My pack" or "my blue devils" or "my deacons" or "my (fill in the blank)". I don't want a smart-a** answer such as "Because you never win". Teams win and lose all the time, throughout the year-and UNC is the only fanbase I know where the fans use a possessive noun to refer to the them. Just sayin'....I am just curious.