Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Secret is nothing more than a list of goals

I do not believe in the law of attraction unless we are discussing Physics. Yes, a magnet attracts a magnet, but when I hear about people making "love lists" and getting a husband in return "from the universe", I wonder what drugs they are on! Now, do not get me wrong, I like Oprah and there are people who believe this "law of attraction" junk that I also like (Jenny McCarthy and her story about life with her autistic son has been powerful and positive for ANY parent with an autistic child). I also have friends that believe in this law, or as Oprah calls it "the secret". But, being the usual skeptic that I am, all I can think of is that this is nothing more than a "think positive" mantra that has been blown entirely out of porportion. I mean, obviously, if you mope around and say to yourself "I'm fat, I'm old", while you stuff oreos in your mouth, you will remain fat. "You reap what you sow" is under the law of attraction, but that does not mean if you start thinking with you 'inner core of peace' that you want to live at the beach, or find the right man, that this universe magically brings it to you, because you willed it to yourself. That is ludicrous! "You reap what you sow" means just what it says......if you say you are fat, and you don't DO anything to change that, then you stay fat. But if you say you are fat, and that you are tired of being fat, and that you want to CHANGE that by eating better and exercising, then you will lose weight. That is not the law of attraction, my friend, that is common sense. It can also be called the "power of positive thinking". If you wake up and tell yourself "I am going to have a good day", that does not mean, the universe will hand you a good day and you can thank the "Law of attraction", it means, you are trying to be positive and that when the bird s***s on your polo on the way to the office, you laugh it off and say "I will not let this bother me". And when the boss gives you a raise that day, your day just gets better and you have a nice celebratory dinner that evening, but not thanks to the law of attraction. Your boss was going to give you that raise, based on your work performance, not becuase you put out a vibe to the universe-PUHLEEZE! I saw the girl on Oprah who was tired of living in the snow and wanted to move to the beach. Well, how hard is that to accomplish? If I wanted to move to the beach, I could do it too, it's called selling your house and buying another one. NOTHING to do with the law of attraction. SOrry, just don't buy it. But if you have constructed a vision board in your house and have a wonderful story, feel free to share.............

until then, I make no excuses for myself. I am overweight because of the choices I make with my eating habits. And anti-depressants (which I VEHEMENTLY OPPOSE FOR ANYONE) will NOT change my life!!!!!!!! Get on those, and you are on them FOR LIFE! ANd they do not change your surroundings, they only change you, but then you become dependant on that "feeling" and you will never get off of them! So, I am tired of saying I am fat and I am tired of not having any energy and moping, I am making a list, but not a list for the law of attraction, this is simply a small list of baby-step goals, taking it one day at a time. I cannot drastically make any changes, I cannot do Atkins, or any other crazy diet, so I am only making 2 small changes at this time:

eat one raw veggie a day
walk the neighborhood after dinner with my kids

and that is it. Because even if I believed in this supposed "Law of attraction", the first thing you have to do is know exactly what you want and then begin to focus on it (Ahem, DUH!) but how can I focus on it when I don't know what I want. I mean, I have everything I want. I have two beautiful children, a wonderful and loving husband, a cozy home, a loving family, a car to drive and a roof over my head. I am pursuing a lifelong dream to attain my undergrad and I am privaleged to be able to do so. SO, what else could I want? Money? NO thanks, money is the root of evil. We have just enough to get by....any more and we would get into trouble. Bigger house? Nope, I love our little home........we live on an acre overlooking a pond. PLus, who wants to clean more? No, I guess all I want is to have some more energy, and be lesser in the gut:) ANd that means, less eating and more exercise and I don't need the law of attraction to know that-I just need to get my fat *** off the couch!

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