Sunday, June 1, 2008

We saw Saturn!!!!!

My sister-in-law, Jennifer, gave us a telescope that belonged to her dad. Last night, Chad finally broke it out and began to read the owner's manual. When I got back from dinner, we took it out to the backyard and Chad decides to point it at "that bright, orange-looking star". He looks through the eyepiece and exclaims it is Saturn! IT was sooo cool! The rings were super clear! So, then we are looking all into the sky, when I see something that just looked like a star moving quickly across the sky. Chad thought it was an airplane, but this was no airplane, for there were no blinking lights. And it was not a shooting star, because it just kept going.....and at a rather fast pace! We decided it must have been a satellite. Well, at least that is what we think:) IT did disappear into thin air, but Chad said it just went behind some clouds (even though I could still see several stars in that area:>) Just sayin'........but it got me thinking about satellites and I found a cool website, where it will show you, in real time, where all satellites are above your location: CHeck it out and click on the "live in your sky" part:

1 comment:

Rog said...

OH NOES!! You prolly saw a sattelite (grammer Nazi), they normally can be seeen around sunset/just afterwords. Look kinda shiny/gleamy.
How did Chad not know that "bright orange thing" was not Saturn, I thought he was kinda inot Astronomy somewhat-and how did yall see ANYTHING Saturday-storms all around!!