Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You need a job mon!

I am finding out, since it has been seven years since I have looked for a job, that you have to have a degree OR experience. But usually both. Some only require an Associates...but oh, you have to have 2 years+ experience.......!!!!!!!!

Rob told me of a Clint Eastwood qoute, let me see if I can find it....
nope, couldn't find it, but basically he wanted to take some young kid on some (I don't know) killing adventure (or western shoot-out, etc) and this other guy sais to him 'You can't take him, he's got no experience!" Eastwood's reply "Well, how will he ever get experience if he doesn't try?"


So, I guess I should go don an apron at Lowe's or Cracker Barrel, and where a coursage that reads "This is the answer"!:)

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