Friday, May 30, 2008

Dynamite Dragonflies!

Graham and Sydney will finish kindergarten on June 6th. They both received Dragonfly awards this quarter and Sydney received a character trait award for 'loyalty'. I cannot believe time has flown this fast! One day, I am holding them in my arms, afraid I will drop them, and the next thing I know, they are sailing through elementary school, picking out their own outfits, dressing themselves, wanting jewelry (!), and figuring ways around machines (Graham). They even let mommy and daddy sleep in late on Saturdays:) I am so proud of you go convince your daddy you need a little brother or sister:)...........or at least a puppy:)

1 comment:

Rog said...

Good for the kidz-when did Syd start wearing glasses?

sister or brother? puppy?

Wanting another child??? Iz u nutz??