Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Aubrey Kate Johnson

Congrats to Kevin and Ashley who welcomed a healthy baby girl into the world today at 2:58pm! Aubrey weighed in at 6 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20 inches long! Ten fingers, ten toes (although I have yet to see if they are "webbed" like Sydney's:>)

Ash was a complete trooper and had TWO epidurals (yes, ladies, I know it makes you cringe!) The first one only took to one side, so she had to have a second, but once it set in, all was right with the world. She smiled and just sat around as she had contraction after contraction. Then, it began to progress quickly...and only 21 minutes of pushing and here she was!

Mommy AND daddy are both doing fine and are VERY excited and proud parents. I stood at the nursery window and watched Kevin watching Aubrey, as the nurse bathed her and monitored her. Aside from getting our cameras for close-ups, Kevin did not take his eyes off of her for two hours, and Aubrey was staring right back! It was love at first sight. Very sweet.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Uh oh

I may have waited too Nicole is out of the office until Febuary! opps!

That is what I get for procrastinating!

SO, now I am in contact with some other person and have to start all over......

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


"Water on the knee"?
Whatever it is, I don't want a needle in it-I would rather live with the swollen knee! It doesn't hurt, thankfully.
But, I am scheduling an ortho visit (sheesh, how old am I again?). Guess all the years of being on my feet have caught up with me-I may have chicken legs, but now they are beginning to fail. Years of waiting on people-retail and tables-this is what happens.
I have been on my feet at jobs since my first retail job at Hallmark, when I was 15. I have had office jobs, but those were back in my "younger" days, when after a week of work, I would spend the weekend dancing til 2am.
So, there you have it-coming back to haunt me!
Wait, can I claim disability for this? I want a handout!
Sorry, couldn't help it......hee hee
BTW, experienced a first last night. Went to Target and a man in a car had stopped Chad-thought he was asking for directions.........oh no, you won't believe it......he was asking for spare change! IN A CAR!!!!!! What the **************???????????? Revolutionary! Begging from a CAR! My God, that is what we have come to!

Friday, October 17, 2008

I am at a loss for words...

Yes, me........the mouth of the south......does not know what to say! How can I explain why I made straight F's in classes I barely attended fifteen years ago, when I truly don't remember why! I couldn't tell you what i did two days ago, let alone fifteen years ago!
I just remember signing up for the classes, but I don't remember going, but I don't remember why I didn't. All I can say is I am an idiot, but you can't write that in a formal request and sound halfway intelligent. My admission is on the line and I don't know what to say except, jeez, I made a mistake! Well, maybe I could leave the jeez part out!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oh dear God, now what?

Are you there God? It's me, scatterbrains!

Well, all this job hunting, and then I just got this sent to me.................

Beth, I am willing to consider removal of Spring and Summer 1 of 1995 basedon your more recent work at Wake Tech. What I will need you to do is tocomplete the attached retroactive withdrawal form. In addition to theform, please provide me with a letter addressing your past educationalissues as well as a transcript from Wake Tech.Once I receive this information, I can make a determination. If it wereto be in your favor, the courses can be withdrawn in time for you tomeet the Nov 1st application deadline for spring 09.

So, now what????????? It's a wonder I am not on something:) I just never this the sign I am looking for? Or do I say thanks, but no thanks...........

You need a job mon!

I am finding out, since it has been seven years since I have looked for a job, that you have to have a degree OR experience. But usually both. Some only require an Associates...but oh, you have to have 2 years+ experience.......!!!!!!!!

Rob told me of a Clint Eastwood qoute, let me see if I can find it....
nope, couldn't find it, but basically he wanted to take some young kid on some (I don't know) killing adventure (or western shoot-out, etc) and this other guy sais to him 'You can't take him, he's got no experience!" Eastwood's reply "Well, how will he ever get experience if he doesn't try?"


So, I guess I should go don an apron at Lowe's or Cracker Barrel, and where a coursage that reads "This is the answer"!:)


Applied to a few nearby locations to be a teller....

headed to the Centennial parkway location now...

so many people say I would be good at this (numbers), but I don't know...but maybe it is b/c I have been out of the workforce for so's scary to return.
It's saddening to know I won't see my kids as much.......but the economy is frightening (no matter WHOSE fault it is!)
I just thought I would substitute when I could, be off holidays and breaks with my kids, and get my degree one calss at a time. But a few things have recently been brought to my attention....and while I may not be all that excited about it, I am not sure I have a choice...
I am hoping to at least find a job with benefits-that would make a difference!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

After a long talk....

....with Chad about school, work, and the possibility of another baby........

I have decided to pound the pavement tomorrow and find a daytime job. If it's full time, the kids will attend after-school care for two hours. If it's part time, they won't. I am looking into teller positions at nearby SECU locations.

School is taking a backseat, and to be honest, it might not ever return.

This is a big change.........I'm a bit sad, but it has to be done. I have never had a career, and I don't ever see myself having one. At this point, I am too old and no longer care what people think. If I have to work at Lowe's or Cracker Barrel, then so be it. I will never have the skills or education to have some high-falutin' RTP position. It's just not me. I haven't accomplished too much in life, but I would rather contribute for and provide for the only people that matter to me-my family.

Friday, October 3, 2008


still no response....

emailed a second time......


Thursday, October 2, 2008


glo-sticks in the yard!


no response today....sweatin' a bit.....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Well, at least she is asking and responding....

Email from the AR:

Beth,I may be able to assist you in getting the courses removed from yourrecord. I have two questions before we proceed.Are you trying to reapply as a full-time degree seeking student throughUndergrad Admissions? If so, would it be for spring semester or nextfall?

My response to her, in so many words, was that it kind of depended on what she could do for me. If she could drop them, I would want to speak with advising/counsleing as far as choosing an appropriate major. If she couldn't, I would go as an NDS student, but still speak with advising/counseling to make sure I chose appropriate classes. I told her I was somewhat interested in the LPS degree, simply b/c it was fully online, and that I would rather go part time as a degree-seeking student, versus an NDS student, simply b/c NDS students do not receive financial aid.

....awaiting reponse.....

COud the F's be removed???

So, I was referred to the assistant registrar, to at least speak with her about POSSIBLY removing all or some of the FOUR (count 'em, FOUR!) F's I received way long ago, at State. I told her, and this is the God's honest truth....I only went for maybe two weeks, and then stopped going. BUt, like an idiot, instead of actually DROPPING the classes, I just let State take my money and quit going! Sheesh, I would have been better off just writing DUMBASS on myself and walking around town!
Alas, ignorant as it was, that is the choice I made. Heck, I am not even sure I ever stepped foot into the last class I had registered for! I guess professors can never make the assumption you have dropped, so they have no choice but to give you an F, until told otherwise.
So, I am pleading my case right now.....