Friday, May 30, 2008

Dynamite Dragonflies!

Graham and Sydney will finish kindergarten on June 6th. They both received Dragonfly awards this quarter and Sydney received a character trait award for 'loyalty'. I cannot believe time has flown this fast! One day, I am holding them in my arms, afraid I will drop them, and the next thing I know, they are sailing through elementary school, picking out their own outfits, dressing themselves, wanting jewelry (!), and figuring ways around machines (Graham). They even let mommy and daddy sleep in late on Saturdays:) I am so proud of you go convince your daddy you need a little brother or sister:)...........or at least a puppy:)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

LOST Finale tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...and the countdown is on!!!!!

Only 8 more hours to go.......yippee!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

UNC summer school

Well, I am half-way through with my pre-calculus class. I took this prerequisite, thinking it would be a breeze and the material isn't that difficult, but because it is moving so fast, there is a ton to remember. The daily commute is not too bad-I usually spend my time laughing along with the showgram. It's still so surreal, though. It's night and day compared to Wake Tech, but I already miss my time at Wake Tech and I know that school prepared me well for what I am doing now. There are the obvious changes (I enjoy hearing the belltower ring each morning on my way to class) and then the more smaller changes (my teacher does not take roll, ever). But I am glad I decided to do this and get used to it over the summer.

This morning, as I sat at a table, around the pit, eating a cinnamon roll and dirnking my morning D.O.C, I noticed a few sparrows that were getting mighty close to my table. No sooner had I noticed this, did one just jump right on top of the table and proceed to flitter all around me, as if he was just waiting for me to feed him..........unreal. You don't see that everyday. Kind of cool.....

Sunday, May 25, 2008


My brother is 46 and loves to skateboard and surf! Here he is coming down the ramp access across from Asheville Avenue~Kill Devil Hills. I don't know what's funnier-the people snickering at us, like we are a couple of doofus tourists, or me breathing like Darth Vader, because I have had a few too many white russians, and I am out of shape!:)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Pictured above is how we all looked before the restaurant opened on Mother's Day. Needless to say, we did not take an "after" photo:) Happy Mother's Day to my co-worker's and friends: Barbara, Angela, Michelle, myself and Lee.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm done at Wake Tech!!!!!

Today, I took my last two exams, and thus ended my time at Wake Tech. I began with a class in the LE building and I walked away from my last exam from LE. I still have a few club duties, but academically, I am done. One goal to check off my list. I will receive my AA degree this summer, on July 27th at the RBC Center. Above is a picture I took right after I finished:)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A present to Chad

While Chad was on a business trip to Atlanta, I finally painted our bedroom! He was so excited! Now, if I could just get around to hanging up those photos........